Friday, September 14, 2007

Eat It Up

Dinner, well any meal, turns into such an interesting mix of yinging (yell-singing), banging, and food between our toes when we step in Davis' discarded food. Yet it still seems to be getting in and sticking to his bones somehow...Cheers!


Unknown said...

Oh m' he the cutest kid, or what? I love the eating technique...spoon in each hand and cup between the teeth. He really gets into his food, huh?
Love the blog! Keep it up.

Mary said...

He is very cute! He has grown up so fast, at least in pictures. I think the last picture I saw of him were the ones you sent at Christmas ... so he got older really fast!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the e-mail and link to your fancy-shmancy BLOG. 'Yinging' sounds like my 'yinking' (yell-thinking), I do alot of that lately.....

Angela Hoskisson said...

YES! i love messy baby fun...if only i were a baby ...hehe. :) Jenny...he's adorable. and looks like he gets to have a good time.

Anonymous said...

What great fun to read, see, and EXPERIENCE the whole blog site! You are the three cutest beings ever. What a great little family. Can't wait to see more! Grontz & Dewie

MJ/Mom/GrammaJ said...

Yup - the cup/spoon pic is my all time favorite! Except for the peeking over the bar stool pic and the driving the car pic see where I am going with this!

Anonymous said...

Hummph! We are NOT anonymous, we are Grontz & Dewie aka Uncle Ron and Auntie Dewie! Obviously did not read "Blogging for Dummies" but sure do love the pictures!!!