Sunday, March 13, 2011
It's Day-light Savings, Fool
Posted by Livingstons at 3:21 AM 4 comments
Sunday, August 29, 2010
One for the Grands

Davis said the family prayer tonight. He definitely has the intonation and the spirit of prayer, but all we understand is "Josie," "Jesus," "church,""school," and "amen."His speech has improved tons and we thought we would all say a prayer to encourage him. When it was Daddy's turn, Davis came over to Eric's ear and repeated everything Eric said in a very close, loud whisper. When it was my turn, Davis came over, lifted my hair from the side of my face, and commenced whispering a very sweet but unintelligible prayer into my ear. It tickled like crazy. And Eric's silent, torso-bouncing laugh didn't help either.
Posted by Livingstons at 10:09 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The people living in your catalog
Hi Nancy, it’s Elaine. I’m going to be a little late for lunch. I can’t find my hat or my back-up hat.
Go here
Lizzing and shake giggling. 'Nough said.
Posted by Livingstons at 9:17 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I can't believe we got him in his costume...
There was some question if Davis, Josie, and I could get Eric to take the "bull by the horns" and wear his cow head. But apparently I underestimated him. He did wear a storm trooper costume and a sweatshirt with "Big Enchilada" on it (not at the same time, stay with me). What a sport. Josie was the one who wasn't that excited (she's the limp cow on the end).
Posted by Livingstons at 8:44 PM 6 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Life's Short at 6 Months
Posted by Livingstons at 10:41 PM 9 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Posted by Livingstons at 6:15 PM 19 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
We figured Davis already gains super-human strength and turns green when he's mad, so why not dress him as The Hulk? That and our friends the Harmons had a costume they let us borrow. But that was last weekend's church party - tonight he was actually a frog. Any other year it would have been great for trick or treating except it was in the 70's and he just wanted to run… in his fuzzy costume with a hood. And when Davis is hot, he's a lot like The Hulk. Only he doesn't help people or throw around bad guys. He just gets mad. So, we ended up with an unreasonable frog, no "treats", and a very early night with our unattended bowl of candy ravaged by neighborhood kids. We even got "tricked", but it's not worth typing about.
Posted by Livingstons at 5:39 PM 8 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Eric turned 3 in dentalstudent years and 28 in regular people years on April 24th and had the sorriest birthday week ever. I shame the birthday week tradition. He had finals and I had no excuse. I did give him a uber-cool U2 book that he was quite surprised by and quoted Bono in one of his lessons at church. But that was just one of the days and there are supposed to be 7 days of celebration. Oh, yeah we went to dinner on his birthday, too.
I went to church girl's camp as nurse in June and got to be a teenager again - though I don't condone teen pregnancy. The Marjeanator got to come watch Davis while I was gone and got to be a tired mother of a toddler again.
We all went to the Texas coast to be with my parents. Davis went nuts for the beach. As in chasing waves without caution and sticking bananas in the sand. You gotta be nuts to still want to eat a sandy banana. Many beautiful moon lit walks and sandy diapers and we were all spent at the end of each day.
Davis has been kissing again. Actually, he just takes the sides of my head and mashes his face against mine. It kind of hurts and sometimes it gets a little intense (headbutting, grabbing my neck and sticking thumbs into the carotid arteries...). But it's sweet pain. We don't know where he gets his passion - Eric and I must be keeping the romance alive...
Posted by Livingstons at 9:55 AM 12 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Before Breakfast
Jenny - (Greco-Roman diaper changing Davis) I think I found a solution to our mail problem.
Eric - (popping head out of pantry) What? I didn't hear you.
Jenny - (speaking louder since Davis is yelling) I think I found a solution to our mail problem.
Eric - What male problem? (re-entering pantry)
Jenny - (not seeing Eric re-enter pantry, pointing toward piled mail) OUR mail problem.
Eric - (from inside pantry) I wasn't aware we had a male problem. Are we talking about me or Davis?
This was before breakfast so I guess the 8 hours of fasting was keeping us from the almost telepathic communication Eric and I usually have. But if you're wondering what my new favorite cereal is, it's Oatmeal Squares. And, yes, it is sold at Costco. It stays crunchy for a long time and it'll keep your colon rollin'. I could probably eat cold cereal 3 meals a day, and that's no exaggeration. But I don't want to create "male" problems in our house, so I make meals with some of the other foods groups. I usually get the hint from Eric when we go to a friend's house for dinner and he says, "we should have that more often."
Posted by Livingstons at 8:54 AM 13 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
Leave the diaper, take the Connoli
We spent last week in St. Louis for Eric's dental school rotation in a clinic. In spite of the rain coming down and the floods coming up, we found a lot to do with Davis - an indoor mall (don't get me started on outdoor malls in intemperate regions) with a play ground, Chuck E. Cheese's, and the awesome Magic House. The Fitz's decided to fly in from Las Vegas and the Detroit Livingston's minivan-ed it at the end of the week. Davis actually loved being around the cousins which is a total 180 from Thanksgiving, but he would still give them a little love push in the head every once in a while. It snowed on Easter, but stopped long enough to have an egg hunt in the front yard. Davis didn't care about the eggs or candy - he just kept running back and forth like a liberated cage monkey. We loved having the whole schlemiel together since we know it won't be easy, but wonderful, with twin-mania on the way!

Posted by Livingstons at 12:10 AM 9 comments