It was one of those days where you feel like you take two steps forward, but then eggs are bowled across your kitchen floor and it's like taking two steps back. Not in a good, Paula Abdul song kind of way - I got nothing done. But I found a pair of pants that I thought were gone forever and gorgeous flowers magically appeared in my kitchen. Which brings me to...
Rule #2 Be ridiculously nice to the birthday weeker.
This means leave the last clean breakfast spoon, warm up the bed, don't throw yogurt on the floor (that should be easy for non-toddlers), and hand over the remote. Basically, do whatever you need to let the birthday weeker know that you feel like their birth was a true blessing, if you don't already do this on a daily basis. "Because it's my birthday week" works well here, too.
I love birthday week! I have been waiting anxiously to call you you want an early bday call?
Amy, I think she wants a 4 am Bday call from Davis. But that's just my guess.
I so remember that day! After being sent home once and for a walk the next time...and after trying to catch a white rat (we assumed it was an important research rat being at the University and all)...and after accidently squishing said rat in a door...I went and had my "pretty in pink" baby Jenny. What a gift!
She is truely the gift that keeps on giving... Love, Jo...Mom to the baby in pink!
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